作为海外华人社群生活服务的领导者,北美小屋致力于持续地为留学生和海外华人提供一个完善的信息分享平台和生活咨询论坛。目前, 北美小屋已覆盖美国整个西部,部分中部和东部的高校及周边地区。我们推广服务地区的同时,不断完善平台服务范围, 为用户交流本地生活信息提供便捷。
As the leader in providing lifestyle services for overseas Chinese community, Uslittlehouse is dedicated to continuously offering a comprehensive information-sharing platform and lifestyle consultation forum for international students and overseas Chinese. At present, Uslittlehouse has covered the entire western U.S., parts of the central and eastern regions, including universities and their surrounding areas. As we expand our service regions, we are constantly improving the scope of our platform, making it convenient for users to access and share local life information.
Our products
Wechat Mini App
微信小程序是基于微信App应用生态搭建的一种Web App。通过提供微信小程序客户端,我们可以为用户提供一个更快捷,直接使用我们服务的途径。
WeChat Mini App is a type of Web App built on the ecosystem of the WeChat app. By offering the WeChat Mini Program client, we can provide users with a quicker and more direct way to access our services.
Scan the QR code to access the mini-program.
1. 下拉微信对话页面,进入最近使用的小程序页面
Pull down the conversation page
2. 点击搜索框
Use the search bar
3. 输入“北美小屋”,点击进入小程序
Search “北美小屋”
4. 开始使用北美小屋小程序
Start using “北美小屋”
Our partners
Business partners
Non-Profit Partners
Student Union Partners
Muhe Health Support Group